The LEGO Movie is a 3D animated film which follows lead character, Emmet a completely ordinary LEGO mini-figure who is identified as the most "extraordinary person" and the key to saving the Lego universe. Emmet and his friends go on an epic journey to stop the evil tyrant, Lord Business.
Play | Title | Artist |
La grande aventure Lego
Everything is Awesome (The Awesome!! Version)
Shawn Patterson:
Bartholomew: Produced Bartholomew: Additional lyrics Akiva Schaffer: Rap lyrics Akiva Schaffer: Additional production Jo Li: Performer Jason Goldstein: Mixed |
War Cry
Everything is Awesome (Saloon Version)
Jag in a Jungle
Get Ready for This (Yar Mix)
Star Wars/Blockade Runner
John Williams:
Han Solo Returns
John Williams:
How Ya Gonna Keep 'Em Down On The Farm
Double Dare Theme
Edd Kalehoff:
Everything is Awesome (Awesome Remixxx!!!)
Mark Mothersbaugh:
Tegan and Sara: Performer Shawn Patterson: Writer Bartholomew: Additional lyrics Akiva Schaffer: Rap lyrics Akiva Schaffer: Additional production |
Untitled Self Portrait
Everything is Awesome (Unplugged)