Labyrinth of Cinema Soundtrack (

Labyrinth of Cinema Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 7.30/10 from 926 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Labyrinth of Cinema

Title in Italiano:

Labyrinth of Cinema

Title in Português:

Labyrinth of Cinema

Title in Français:

Labyrinth of Cinema

Title in Türk:

Sinema Labirenti

Title in Deutsch:

Labyrinth of Cinema


Labyrinth of Cinema is a Japanese film directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi. The movie follows a group of young men who find themselves transported back in time to various periods of Japanese history through a mysterious cinema. As they navigate through different eras, they must confront the realities of war, love, and sacrifice.

The film explores themes of memory, identity, and the power of cinema to transport us to different worlds. Through stunning visuals and a nonlinear narrative, Labyrinth of Cinema challenges viewers to question the nature of reality and the impact of history on our present lives.

With its unique storytelling and thought-provoking themes, Labyrinth of Cinema has been praised for its creativity and originality. It offers a mesmerizing journey through time and space, leaving audiences with a new perspective on the interconnectedness of past, present, and future.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Labyrinth of Cinema
Muchabô Benkei
Toriro Miki: Composer
Tetsuya Takeda: Sang

User reviews

James Phillips

The music in Labyrinth of Cinema lingers in the mind long after the film has ended, resonating with the audience and adding an extra layer of depth to the viewing experience.

Andrew Lewis

The soundtrack of Labyrinth of Cinema skillfully weaves together traditional Japanese music with modern compositions, creating a harmonious blend that reflects the film's themes of past and present colliding.

Richard Nelson

The diverse range of musical styles used in the soundtrack adds depth and richness to the storytelling, enhancing the emotional impact of each scene.

Timothy Walker

The use of traditional Japanese instruments in the soundtrack adds an authentic and immersive layer to the viewing experience. The fusion of modern and traditional elements creates a unique and captivating musical landscape.

Deborah Green

Additionally, I felt that some of the musical choices in Labyrinth of Cinema were jarring and distracting, taking away from the overall impact of certain scenes. The soundtrack seemed disjointed at times, failing to establish a cohesive and engaging auditory atmosphere that would have complemented the film's visual storytelling.

Ronald Jones

The soundtrack of Labyrinth of Cinema perfectly complements the film's exploration of time and history. The music enhances the emotional impact of the story and effectively transports the audience to different eras.

Stephanie Miller

Overall, the soundtrack of Labyrinth of Cinema is a standout element of the film, contributing to its depth and resonance. It is a testament to the careful attention to detail and artistic vision of the filmmakers.

Carol Thompson

While I appreciate the creativity and ambition of the film Labyrinth of Cinema, I found the soundtrack to be lacking in emotional depth and resonance. The music did not effectively enhance the viewing experience or evoke the necessary mood to fully immerse me in the story.

Melissa Gonzalez

The soundtrack of Labyrinth of Cinema serves as a powerful storytelling tool, enhancing the visual narrative with its evocative melodies and themes.

Andrew Lopez

The soundtrack of Labyrinth of Cinema showcases the power of music to evoke emotions and memories, underscoring the film's exploration of the impact of history on our lives.

Susan Walker

The music enhances the nonlinear narrative of the film, guiding the audience through the different time periods and helping to establish a sense of continuity and connection between them.

John Allen

Overall, the soundtrack of Labyrinth of Cinema is a standout element of the film, elevating the storytelling and immersing viewers in a world where music and cinema converge to create a truly unforgettable experience.

Edward Parker

The music captures the essence of each era portrayed in the movie, from the haunting melodies of war-torn periods to the uplifting tunes of moments of love and sacrifice.

Nancy King

The soundtrack of Labyrinth of Cinema perfectly complements the film's exploration of memory and identity, creating an immersive experience for the audience.

Michael Turner

The soundtrack of Labyrinth of Cinema effectively conveys the complex emotions and themes of the film, from the horrors of war to the beauty of love. The music serves as a powerful storytelling tool that enhances the overall cinematic experience.

Charles Lewis

The originality and creativity of the music in Labyrinth of Cinema contribute to the overall cinematic experience, drawing viewers deeper into the story and themes of the film.