Les clés du paradis Soundtrack (

Les clés du paradis Soundtrack (1991) cover

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Rating: 4.50/10 from 112 votes
Tags: kiberen, substitution
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Las llaves del paraíso

Title in Italiano:

Gemischtes Doppel

Title in Português:

Gemischtes Doppel

Title in Français:

Les clés du paradis

Title in Türk:

Les clés du paradis

Title in Deutsch:

Gemischtes Doppel


"Les clés du paradis" is a French film that tells the story of a young woman named Marie who inherits a mysterious key from her late grandmother. Intrigued by the key, Marie embarks on a journey to discover its significance and unlock the secrets of her family's past.

As Marie delves deeper into her grandmother's history, she uncovers a hidden world filled with love, betrayal, and redemption. Along the way, she meets a cast of colorful characters who help her unravel the mystery of the key and find her own path to happiness and fulfillment.

Through beautiful cinematography and captivating storytelling, "Les clés du paradis" takes viewers on a heartwarming and inspirational journey of self-discovery and forgiveness. It is a film that reminds us of the power of family and the importance of following our hearts in order to find true peace and happiness.

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Play Title Artist
Les clés du paradis
Les Clés du Paradis
Francis Lai: Performer

User reviews

Patricia King

The music in Les clés du paradis effectively conveys the themes of love, betrayal, and redemption present in the film, adding depth and emotion to the characters' experiences and relationships.

Joshua Gonzalez

Some pieces in the soundtrack of Les clés du paradis felt out of place or mismatched with the tone of certain scenes, creating a jarring effect that disrupted the flow of the storytelling. The lack of coherence between the music and the visuals at times made it difficult to fully engage with the emotional journey of the characters and their struggles.

Steven Davis

Overall, the music of Les clés du paradis is a powerful and evocative companion to the film, leaving a lasting impression and enhancing my appreciation of the story's message of forgiveness, family, and following one's heart.

Daniel Roberts

Overall, the soundtrack of Les clés du paradis is a standout element of the film, contributing to its powerful storytelling and leaving a lasting impression on the audience with its poignant and memorable compositions.

Ronald Scott

The music evokes a sense of nostalgia and mystery, mirroring Marie's own feelings as she uncovers her family's past and the significance of the mysterious key left by her grandmother.

Edward Smith

The soundtrack of Les clés du paradis perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the film's storyline, enhancing the viewing experience and immersing me in Marie's journey of self-discovery.

Kimberly Baker

The soundtrack seamlessly weaves together different musical styles and influences, reflecting the diverse cast of characters Marie encounters on her journey and enriching the overall tapestry of the film.

Charles Wright

The soundtrack of Les clés du paradis seamlessly weaves together a variety of musical styles and instruments, creating a rich and immersive listening experience that enhances the overall storytelling.

David King

The melodies are both haunting and beautiful, creating a poignant atmosphere that lingers long after the film has ended, resonating with me on a deep emotional level.

Dorothy Scott

The choice of musical themes in Les clés du paradis sometimes felt cliché and predictable, lacking originality and innovation. The soundtrack seemed to rely heavily on overused tropes and standard compositions, which detracted from the uniqueness of the film's narrative and characters.

Margaret Clark

Each musical cue is carefully crafted to underscore the film's themes of love, betrayal, and redemption, adding layers of depth and meaning to Marie's quest for truth and happiness.

Laura Hall

The soundtrack of Les clés du paradis felt repetitive and uninspired, failing to capture the emotional depth and complexity of the story being told. The music often felt disconnected from the scenes, missing opportunities to enhance the viewer's experience and create a more immersive atmosphere.

Donald Baker

The music in Les clés du paradis skillfully sets the tone for each scene, drawing the audience into Marie's journey of self-discovery and unraveling the mysteries of her family's past.

Carol Turner

The soundtrack of Les clés du paradis perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the story, enhancing the viewing experience with its moving melodies and evocative themes.