"Lesson of the Evil" is a Japanese horror film directed by Takashi Miike. The story follows a popular high school teacher named Seiji Hasumi, who appears to be kind and caring to his students. However, behind his charming facade lies a dark and twisted personality. Hasumi begins to manipulate and control his students, using them to carry out his violent and murderous plans.
As the body count rises, the students start to realize the true extent of Hasumi's evil nature. They must band together to stop him before it's too late. The film is a chilling exploration of power dynamics and the consequences of unchecked authority.
With its shocking twists and intense violence, "Lesson of the Evil" is a gripping and disturbing watch that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats.
Play | Title | Artist |
Lesson of the Evil
Mack the Knife
Kurt Weill: