Life in Cold Blood Soundtrack (

Life in Cold Blood Soundtrack (2008) cover

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Rating: 9.00/10 from 3000 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

La vida a sangre fría

Title in Italiano:

Life in Cold Blood

Title in Português:

Life in Cold Blood

Title in Français:

Les animaux à sang froid

Title in Türk:

Les animaux à sang froid

Title in Deutsch:



Life in Cold Blood is a nature documentary series written and presented by David Attenborough. The series explores the evolution and habits of amphibians and reptiles, also known as cold-blooded animals.

Throughout the series, Attenborough showcases the incredible diversity of these creatures, from the tiny frogs of Madagascar to the giant Komodo dragons of Indonesia. He also delves into the unique adaptations that have allowed these animals to thrive in a wide range of environments.

Life in Cold Blood highlights the importance of these often misunderstood animals in the ecosystem and the threats they face from habitat loss and climate change. Attenborough's passion for the natural world shines through in this captivating series, making it a must-watch for nature enthusiasts of all ages.

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Life in Cold Blood

User reviews

Joshua Wright

The music creates a sense of connection with the natural world, encouraging viewers to appreciate and protect these often overlooked animals.

Ronald Carter

The band score of Life in Cold Blood truly enhances the viewing experience, immersing me in the world of amphibians and reptiles. The music perfectly complements the majestic scenes of nature and adds emotional depth to the storytelling.

Melissa Brown

The music beautifully complements David Attenborough's narration, adding depth and emotion to the stories of these fascinating creatures.

Kenneth Jackson

The soundtrack of Life in Cold Blood perfectly captures the mysterious and captivating essence of amphibians and reptiles.

John Carter

The haunting melodies evoke the challenges and struggles faced by these creatures in their daily lives.

Matthew Harris

The soundtrack effectively conveys the wonder and awe inspired by the unique adaptations of amphibians and reptiles.

Kimberly Garcia

I appreciate how the music in Life in Cold Blood underscores the urgency of conservation efforts for these creatures. The emotional resonance of the soundtrack drives home the importance of protecting these often overlooked species and their fragile ecosystems.

Robert Martinez

The diverse range of musical styles in the soundtrack mirrors the incredible diversity of the animals featured in the series.

Richard Jones

Each track immerses the viewer in the world of cold-blooded animals, enhancing the viewing experience with its evocative melodies.

Edward Parker

Overall, the band score of Life in Cold Blood enhances the educational value of the series, making it both informative and enjoyable. The music serves as a powerful tool in conveying the wonder and significance of amphibians and reptiles in our natural world.

Emily Hernandez

The soundtrack strikes a perfect balance between being uplifting and poignant, mirroring the highs and lows of life in the wild.

Charles Thomas

Overall, the soundtrack of Life in Cold Blood is a masterful composition that elevates the viewing experience and leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

Linda Scott

The soundtrack of Life in Cold Blood effectively captures the diversity and beauty of these cold-blooded animals' habitats. The use of different instruments and melodies reflects the variety of environments explored in the series, from lush rainforests to arid deserts.