Lily C.A.T. is a science fiction horror anime film directed by Hisayuki Toriumi. The story follows the crew of the spaceship Saldes, who are on a mission to deliver a cargo of genetically-engineered animals to a distant planet. However, they soon discover that there is a shape-shifting alien creature on board that is picking them off one by one.
As the crew members try to figure out who among them is the alien imposter, tensions rise and paranoia sets in. With no way to communicate with Earth and no way to escape the ship, they must find a way to survive and defeat the creature before it's too late.
The film is known for its suspenseful atmosphere, gruesome deaths, and twist ending that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats. Lily C.A.T. is a must-watch for fans of sci-fi horror and psychological thrillers.