Lip Service is a ground-breaking TV comedy drama series that focuses on the romantic lives of three lesbians living in contemporary Glasgow. After two years living and working in New York, talented photographer Frankie, 28, returns to Glasgow for her aunt's funeral, and it's time for her to confront her family, herself, and her relationship with her ex-love Cat, 29, an architect who has finally plucked up the courage to re-enter the dating scene and meets loyal, feisty, funny cop Sam, 30. As their relationship blossoms, Sam offers Cat everything that wild, capricious Frankie couldn't, but simmering below the surface for both Frankie and Cat is an enduring love and passion that can't be ignored. Tess is an actress fast approaching 30 with no career, money, or love interest. Like Frankie and Cat, she wants to learn from the past and find happiness, but are they all destined to keep making the same mistakes? Funny, irreverent, and moving, Lip Service follows the interwoven love lives of Frankie, Cat, and Tess, building to a poignant, dramatic finale.