Little Forest Soundtrack (

Little Forest Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 7.30/10 from 3800 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Little Forest

Title in Italiano:

Little Forest

Title in Português:

Little Forest


A young woman after failing in an exam comes back to her traditional village in Korea from the city which she always dreamt about and When she comes back her mother has already eloped with someone so she has no other way to stay alone in the house with no further delay her two friends accompanying her to make her feel comfortable. She makes uses of her mother's garden which is called as LITTLE FOREST to cook which uncovers her mother's secret of cooking and she starts living there duringball the seasons of the year and starts agriculturing the Little Forest.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Little Forest
Hyewon's Story
dawn time
Blue bird
Early summer
i wanna be strong

User reviews

Steven Hall

The soundtrack's delicate balance of melancholy and hope mirrors the protagonist's journey of finding strength and purpose in her new life.

Edward Lopez

The soundtrack of Little Forest failed to capture the emotional depth and complexity of the main character's journey. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the nuance needed to convey the protagonist's inner struggles and growth throughout the film.

Andrew Scott

The soundtrack of Little Forest perfectly captures the emotional journey of the main character, reflecting her inner struggles and growth.

Stephanie Green

One of the standout aspects of the soundtrack is how it seamlessly integrates traditional Korean music elements with modern compositions. This fusion adds a layer of authenticity to the film's setting and characters, enhancing the overall atmosphere of the story.

Paul Smith

The music creates a serene and nostalgic atmosphere, transporting the audience to the traditional village in Korea where the story takes place.

Andrew Hernandez

Overall, the music in Little Forest elevates the storytelling and leaves a lasting impact on the audience, making it a memorable and essential part of the viewing experience.

Nancy Baker

Overall, the soundtrack of Little Forest is a true masterpiece that enhances the viewing experience and leaves a lasting impression. It perfectly captures the essence of the film and elevates the storytelling to new heights, making it a truly unforgettable cinematic experience.

Michael Nelson

The music beautifully complements the changing seasons in the film, from the gentle melodies of spring to the lively rhythms of summer, creating a rich tapestry of sound that enhances the emotional depth of the story. I found myself deeply moved by the evocative score, which added an extra layer of depth to the already captivating visuals and storyline.

Amanda Lewis

The melodies are soothing and calming, making it easy to immerse oneself in the tranquil setting of the Little Forest.

Laura Walker

Overall, the soundtrack of Little Forest is a beautiful and evocative musical accompaniment that enriches the viewing experience. Its delicate melodies and thoughtful arrangements contribute to the film's themes of nature, family, and personal exploration in a captivating and memorable way.

Andrew Thomas

The soundtrack effectively conveys the bond between the protagonist and her surroundings, highlighting the healing power of nature and home.

Emily Scott

The use of traditional Korean instruments in the music adds authenticity and cultural richness to the overall listening experience.

Mary Lopez

I found the repetitive use of traditional Korean instruments in the soundtrack to be overwhelming and at times distracting. While I appreciate the cultural authenticity it aimed to bring, the constant presence of these elements overshadowed the storytelling and failed to enhance the overall viewing experience.

John Thomas

The soundtrack of Little Forest perfectly captures the serene and nostalgic atmosphere of the film. Each piece of music transports me to the traditional village in Korea, immersing me in the protagonist's journey of self-discovery and connection to her roots.

Ronald Thompson

The music in Little Forest skillfully enhances the emotional depth of the story, conveying the protagonist's feelings of loneliness, resilience, and growth. The subtle nuances in the soundtrack help to evoke a range of emotions, making the viewing experience more immersive and poignant.

Melissa Turner

The emotional depth of the music resonates with the themes of self-discovery and resilience portrayed in the film.

Patricia Adams

Each track in the soundtrack complements the changing seasons in the film, enhancing the visual storytelling and adding depth to the narrative.

Lisa Roberts

The soundtrack of Little Forest perfectly captures the tranquility and nostalgia of the traditional village setting. The gentle melodies and soothing instrumentals create a sense of calm and harmony that reflects the protagonist's journey of self-discovery.