Little Horror Movie is a thrilling film that follows a group of teenagers who decide to spend the night in an abandoned mansion rumored to be haunted. As they explore the dark corridors and creepy rooms, they soon realize they are not alone. Strange things start happening, and they quickly find themselves fighting for their lives against a malevolent force that seems to feed on their fear.
As the night progresses, the group is picked off one by one in gruesome ways, leaving the survivors desperate to find a way out. But the mansion seems to have a mind of its own, trapping them inside and toying with them like puppets on a string.
With each terrifying encounter, the teenagers must confront their deepest fears and work together to uncover the dark secrets of the mansion before it's too late. Little Horror Movie is a heart-pounding rollercoaster ride that will leave you on the edge of your seat until the very end.