Loiter Squad is a sketch comedy television show starring the hip hop group Odd Future and featuring sketches, man on the street segments, pranks and music. The show is a mix of absurd and offbeat humor along with music and live-action segments. The show's humor is often controversial and pushes boundaries, making it a favorite among fans of alternative comedy.
Play | Title | Artist |
Loiter Squad
Analog 2 (feat. Tyler, The Creator, Frank Ocean & Sydney Bennett)
O.K. - Bonus Track
Something to Rap About (feat. Tyler, The Creator)
Palace/Curse (feat. Steve Lacy, feat. Tyler, The Creator, feat. Tyler, The Creator & Steve Lacy)
After The Storm (feat. Tyler, The Creator & Bootsy Collins)
Peach Fuzz
Tyler, The Creator:
Potato Salad
Tyler, The Creator: