Lucid Dream is a South Korean science fiction thriller film directed by Kim Joon-sung. The story follows Dae-ho, a journalist whose son is kidnapped and later found dead. Consumed by grief and guilt, Dae-ho discovers a way to enter his dreams and control them, hoping to find clues about his son's murder.
As Dae-ho delves deeper into his lucid dreams, he uncovers a sinister conspiracy involving a powerful corporation and a mysterious figure known as "The Witch." With the help of a psychiatrist and a fellow lucid dreamer, Dae-ho must navigate the dream world to uncover the truth and seek justice for his son.
The film explores themes of grief, guilt, and the blurred lines between reality and dreams. With its intense visuals and mind-bending plot twists, Lucid Dream keeps viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.