Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul is a Japanese animated film based on the manga series "Made in Abyss" by Akihito Tsukushi. The film serves as a sequel to the 2017 anime series and follows the adventures of Riko and Reg as they continue their journey into the mysterious Abyss.
In Dawn of the Deep Soul, Riko and Reg venture into the sixth layer of the Abyss, known as the Sea of Corpses, in search of Riko's mother. Along the way, they encounter new challenges and dangers, including powerful creatures and treacherous terrain.
As they delve deeper into the Abyss, Riko and Reg uncover dark secrets and mysteries that threaten to unravel their quest. The film explores themes of friendship, sacrifice, and the consequences of exploring the unknown.
Made in Abyss: Dawn of the Deep Soul is praised for its stunning animation, compelling storytelling, and emotional depth. It has received critical acclaim and has captivated audiences around the world with its unique blend of fantasy, adventure, and drama.