Major Dad is a television sitcom that aired from 1989 to 1993. The show follows the life of a United States Marine Corps officer, Major John D. MacGillis, who is a widower with three daughters.
Major Dad is a strict but loving father who tries to balance his military career with raising his girls. The show explores the challenges and humor that come with being a single parent in the military.
Throughout the series, Major Dad's daughters, Casey, Elizabeth, and Robin, often find themselves in humorous situations that their father must navigate. Major Dad's no-nonsense approach to parenting is contrasted with his daughters' more carefree attitudes, leading to many comedic moments.
As Major Dad juggles his responsibilities at home and in the Marine Corps, he learns valuable lessons about family, love, and the importance of being there for his children. The show is a heartwarming and funny portrayal of a military father trying to do his best for his family.