Malhação is a Brazilian television series that focuses on the lives of teenagers and their experiences in high school. The show follows a group of friends as they navigate the challenges of adolescence, including relationships, schoolwork, and family dynamics.
Throughout the series, viewers are introduced to a diverse cast of characters who each have their own unique storylines and struggles. From love triangles to academic pressures, Malhação explores the ups and downs of teenage life in a relatable and engaging way.
As the characters grow and develop over the course of the series, viewers are able to see them overcome obstacles and learn valuable life lessons. Malhação has been praised for its realistic portrayal of teenage issues and its ability to resonate with audiences of all ages.
Play | Title | Artist |
Malhação 17 - 17ª Temporada: 17th Season
Assim Caminha a Humanidade
Lulu Santos:
Tô Fora
Kelly Key:
Te Levar
Charlie Brown Jr.:
Tudo Pode Mudar
Baby, Where Are You?
Lu Alone:
I Can't Live Whithout Your Love
Dan Torres: