Marooned in Iraq is a film directed by Bahman Ghobadi that tells the story of an elderly Kurdish musician named Mirza who embarks on a journey to find his ex-wife Hanareh, who left him many years ago to marry his best friend. Mirza is accompanied by his two sons, Barat and Audeh, who are also musicians.
As they travel through the war-torn Iraqi Kurdistan region, Mirza and his sons encounter various obstacles and challenges, including bandits, checkpoints, and the threat of violence. Along the way, they perform music to earn money and gather information about Hanareh's whereabouts.
Marooned in Iraq is a poignant and heartfelt film that explores themes of love, loss, and reconciliation. It sheds light on the struggles of the Kurdish people and the impact of war on their lives. The film's beautiful cinematography and moving performances make it a powerful and unforgettable viewing experience.