In a small town in the 1960s, a group of teenagers eagerly awaits the arrival of a new horror movie at the local theater. As they line up outside the cinema, they discuss their favorite scary films and speculate about what horrors await them in the upcoming screening.
As the lights dim and the movie begins, the audience is transported into a world of monsters, ghosts, and suspense. The teenagers are on the edge of their seats, screaming and laughing in equal measure as the story unfolds before them.
But as the film reaches its climax, strange things start happening in the theater. Shadows move across the screen, whispers can be heard in the darkness, and the line between reality and fiction begins to blur.
As the teenagers struggle to make sense of what is happening, they realize that they may be in more danger than they ever imagined. Will they be able to escape the horrors of the movie theater, or will they become the latest victims of the mysterious forces at play?