"Mayalodu" is a Telugu action comedy film directed by S. V. Krishna Reddy. The story revolves around a young man named Mayalodu, played by Rajendra Prasad, who is a kind-hearted and fun-loving person. He falls in love with a girl named Maya, played by Soundarya, but faces obstacles in their relationship due to the interference of Maya's father, played by Kota Srinivasa Rao.
As the plot unfolds, Mayalodu finds himself in various comical situations while trying to win Maya's heart and overcome the challenges posed by her father. The film is filled with entertaining sequences, witty dialogues, and lively performances by the cast.
Overall, "Mayalodu" is a light-hearted and enjoyable film that combines elements of romance, comedy, and action. It showcases the talents of the actors and the director in delivering a memorable and entertaining cinematic experience.