McMafia is a British crime drama television series created by Hossein Amini and James Watkins. The show is inspired by the book McMafia: A Journey Through the Global Criminal Underworld by Misha Glenny.
The series follows the story of Alex Godman, the son of Russian exiles with a mafia history. Alex has spent his life trying to escape the shadow of his family's criminal past and build a legitimate business in London. However, when his family's past catches up with him, Alex is drawn into the world of organized crime and must navigate the dangerous underworld to protect his loved ones.
As Alex delves deeper into the criminal world, he discovers the complexities of global crime networks and the challenges of maintaining his moral compass in a world where power and money reign supreme.
McMafia explores themes of family, loyalty, corruption, and the blurred lines between legality and criminality in the modern world. The show has received critical acclaim for its gripping storytelling, complex characters, and realistic portrayal of the global underworld.