Meet Me in Montenegro Soundtrack (

Meet Me in Montenegro Soundtrack (2014) cover

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Rating: 5.80/10 from 384 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Meet Me in Montenegro

Title in Italiano:

Meet Me in Montenegro

Title in Português:

Meet Me in Montenegro

Title in Français:

Meet Me in Montenegro


Meet Me in Montenegro

Anderson is a struggling (translation: broke) Los Angeles based filmmaker, he not having completed a movie in ten years. His latest project - a high concept sci-fi movie - is a make or break for his life, another failure meaning that he is probably done in the business. He decides to follow the advice of his agent Sam and takes a business meeting at his own expense with Jason Ritter to discuss him possibly starring in the picture.

The meeting is in Berlin, where Anderson lived temporarily three years ago when he met who he still considers the love of his life, Lina, a Norwegian dancer. Then, they spent a memorable six week vacation in Montenegro, at the end of which she broke up with him via a Dear John note, she implying in the note that it being a less painful way for the inevitable goodbye. Despite his attempts to contact her, he has never seen or heard from her since, and has never returned to Berlin until now.

Despite trolling his and Lina's old haunts in Berlin, Anderson does not expect to see her, not even knowing if she is still in the city anyway. So it is to his amazement that he does run into her, she who has lived the entire intervening time there, but who will be moving to Budapest in two days to go to school. The two have to decide what to do with them as a couple, with the maturity of three years since their relationship, and Anderson's knowledge of what happened factoring into the equation.

But what also factors into the equation is both their individual futures as they see them, and the reason why Lina broke up with him three years ago, which may be not all it seemed in that Dear John note. Meanwhile, seven year couple Stephen and Friederike, Anderson's friends with who he is staying in Berlin, are at a crossroads in their relationship, where two options have been placed on the table to deal with their issues: to expand their relationship to a third or possibly even fourth, going to a sex party the method to find those people, or to have a baby.

With what they are going through, there is a possible third option which they have not openly discussed, namely breaking up.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Meet Me in Montenegro
Stephen Coates: Writer
Stephen Coates: Performer
Promises Promises
Stephen Coates: Writer
Stephen Coates: Performer
Butterflies Again
Stephen Coates: Writer
Stephen Coates: Performer
Thirteen Years Old
Sallie Ford: Writer
Sallie Ford: Performer
The Clay
Stephen Coates: Writer
Stephen Coates: Performer
You Can Count On Me
Panda Bear: Writer
Panda Bear: Performer
King of the Village Fete
Stephen Coates: Writer
Stephen Coates: Writer
Stephen Coates: Performer
Stephen Coates: Writer
Express Yourself
Diplo: Performer

User reviews

James Lee

Overall, the music in Meet Me in Montenegro enhances the storytelling, elevating the film to a higher emotional plane and leaving a lasting impression on the viewer.

Betty Smith

Each track in the soundtrack is carefully selected to evoke a wide range of emotions, from heartbreak to hope, adding a layer of depth to the storytelling. The music truly transports the listener to the various settings of the film, whether it's the bustling streets of Berlin or the serene landscapes of Montenegro.

Emily Taylor

The score of Meet Me in Montenegro is a true gem, enriching the viewing experience and staying with the audience long after the film ends. It's a testament to the power of music in enhancing storytelling and creating a lasting impact on the audience.

Dorothy Phillips

The use of music in key moments of the film, such as Anderson's reunion with Lina, adds an extra layer of poignancy and intensity to the storytelling, making those scenes particularly memorable.

Linda Williams

The soundtrack of Meet Me in Montenegro felt disconnected and uninspiring, failing to capture the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' journeys throughout the film.

George Nelson

The soundtrack features a diverse range of musical styles that suit the different moods and themes explored in the movie, showcasing the versatility of the composers and their ability to evoke a wide range of emotions.

Nancy Nelson

The music choices often felt generic and cliché, lacking originality and failing to enhance the overall atmosphere and tone of the scenes, making it difficult to fully immerse myself in the storytelling.

Lisa Miller

The music in the film effectively sets the tone for the various scenes, creating a sense of nostalgia, longing, and hope that resonates with the audience on a personal level.

Jennifer Smith

The music in the film complements the stunning cinematography and beautiful locations, creating a cohesive audiovisual experience that immerses the audience in the world of the story.

Timothy Hill

The score of Meet Me in Montenegro is both understated and impactful, subtly underscoring the characters' inner turmoil and external conflicts without overpowering the dialogue or visuals.

Kenneth Thompson

The soundtrack of Meet Me in Montenegro perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the film's storyline. The music seamlessly enhances the tension and nostalgia felt by the characters, making every scene more poignant and engaging.

Susan Lopez

The soundtrack of Meet Me in Montenegro perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' relationships, enhancing the viewer's connection to the story.

Amanda Campbell

The soundtrack of Meet Me in Montenegro is a standout element of the film, adding depth and richness to the narrative while also standing on its own as a compelling and emotive musical work.