In Rumic World: Mermaid's Scar, the story follows a young girl named Yuta who is immortal due to being saved by a mermaid's flesh. Yuta meets a mysterious woman named Mana who is also immortal and has a scar on her chest. Together, they embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of the mermaid's flesh and the curse that comes with it.
As Yuta and Mana delve deeper into the mystery, they encounter other immortals who have been affected by the mermaid's flesh. They must navigate through dangerous situations and confront their own inner demons in order to break the curse and find peace.
The story explores themes of immortality, sacrifice, and the consequences of seeking eternal life. Rumic World: Mermaid's Scar is a captivating tale that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.