Michelle Wolf: Joke Show Soundtrack (

Michelle Wolf: Joke Show Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 7.30/10 from 1900 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Michelle Wolf: Joke Show

Title in Italiano:

Michelle Wolf: Joke Show

Title in Português:

Michelle Wolf: Joke Show

Title in Français:

Michelle Wolf: Joke Show

Title in Türk:

Michelle Wolf: Joke Show

Title in Deutsch:

Michelle Wolf: Joke Show


Michelle Wolf: Joke Show is a stand-up comedy special featuring the talented comedian Michelle Wolf. In this hilarious performance, Michelle covers a wide range of topics with her sharp wit and unique perspective.

From politics to pop culture, Michelle doesn't hold back as she delivers her bold and unapologetic jokes.

With her fearless approach to comedy, Michelle tackles controversial issues and pushes boundaries to make her audience laugh and think at the same time.

Whether you're a fan of stand-up comedy or just looking for a good laugh, Michelle Wolf: Joke Show is sure to entertain and leave you wanting more.

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Michelle Wolf: Joke Show

User reviews

William Turner

The music seamlessly complements Michelle's performance, enhancing the overall experience and making every joke even more impactful.

Patricia Gonzalez

The diverse range of musical styles and tones in the soundtrack adds depth to Michelle Wolf's jokes and helps set the mood for each segment. It provides a seamless transition between different topics and keeps the pacing of the show dynamic and engaging.

Donald Scott

The diverse range of topics covered in the comedy special is reflected in the soundtrack, showcasing Michelle's unique perspective and ability to make her audience both laugh and think.