Mission Hill is an animated television series that follows the life of Andy French, a 24-year-old aspiring cartoonist who moves to the Mission Hill neighborhood of the fictional city of Cosmopolis. Andy lives with his younger brother Kevin, who is a high school student, and their eccentric roommates: Jim, a slacker who works at a waterbed store, Posey, a feminist bookstore employee, and Wally, a middle-aged gay man who owns a pet shop.
Throughout the series, Andy navigates the challenges of adulthood, relationships, and pursuing his dream of becoming a successful artist. The show explores themes of friendship, family, and the struggles of young adulthood in a humorous and relatable way.
Mission Hill originally aired on The WB network in 1999 but was canceled after only one season. Despite its short run, the show has gained a cult following and is praised for its clever writing, quirky characters, and unique animation style.
Play | Title | Artist |
Mission Hill
Italian Leather Sofa
Everybody Hurts
Blue Monday
Do You Really Want to Hurt Me
Cherry Pie
Everbody's Talkin'
Midnight Cowboy
Requiem for Soprano, Mezzo Soprano, Two Mixed Choirs & Orchestra