Mississippi Grind is a 2015 American drama film directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck. The story follows Gerry, a down-on-his-luck gambler who teams up with charismatic poker player Curtis in hopes of turning his luck around.
As the two embark on a road trip down the Mississippi River, they encounter a series of highs and lows, both in their gambling endeavors and their personal lives. Along the way, they form a deep bond and learn valuable lessons about friendship, risk-taking, and the nature of luck.
Mississippi Grind features standout performances from Ryan Reynolds as Curtis and Ben Mendelsohn as Gerry, as well as a stellar supporting cast. The film's authentic portrayal of the gambling world and its complex characters make it a must-see for fans of character-driven dramas.
Play | Title | Artist |
Mississippi Grind
Floor To Crawl
Don't Depend On Me
Famous In Missouri
Tom T. Hall:
This Train
No More Doggin
Gymnopédie No. 1
Grinder Man Blues
Leave Her Alone
Shake 'Em On Down
Goin' Down South
Go Down Sunshine
Hill Stomp
Riding With Willie
My Dream
Rainbow Road
Ace of Spades
Don't Depend On Me
James Hand:
I Don't Know Her Name
Leo Bud Welch:
Shake 'Em On Down
Furry Lewis:
Goin' Down South
R.L. Burnside: