Mommy Dead and Dearest Soundtrack (

Mommy Dead and Dearest Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Rating: 7.40/10 from 12000 votes
Tags: munchausen syndrome by proxy
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Mommy Dead and Dearest

Title in Italiano:

Mommy Dead and Dearest

Title in Português:

Mommy Dead and Dearest

Title in Français:

Mommy Dead and Dearest

Title in Türk:

Mommy Dead and Dearest

Title in Deutsch:

Mommy Dead and Dearest


Mommy Dead and Dearest is a documentary film that tells the shocking true story of Dee Dee Blanchard and her daughter Gypsy Rose. Dee Dee was a devoted mother who appeared to be caring for her sick daughter, who she claimed suffered from a variety of illnesses and disabilities. However, as the story unfolds, it is revealed that Dee Dee was actually manipulating and abusing Gypsy for years, forcing her to pretend to be sick and keeping her isolated from the outside world.

When Gypsy realizes the truth about her mother's lies, she takes drastic action to escape from her control, ultimately leading to a tragic and deadly outcome. The documentary explores the complex relationship between Dee Dee and Gypsy, as well as the shocking events that unfolded as Gypsy sought to break free from her mother's grip.

Mommy Dead and Dearest is a chilling and compelling look at the dark side of mother-daughter relationships, and the devastating consequences of abuse and manipulation.

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Mommy Dead and Dearest

User reviews

James Gonzalez

The haunting and eerie musical score perfectly captures the psychological tension and manipulation portrayed in Mommy Dead and Dearest, adding an extra layer of depth to the storytelling.

Anthony Mitchell

The soundtrack of Mommy Dead and Dearest effectively captures the eerie and unsettling atmosphere of the documentary, enhancing the viewer's emotional experience.

Stephanie Hall

The emotional impact of the music in Mommy Dead and Dearest is undeniable, eliciting feelings of empathy, anger, and sadness as the audience witnesses the heartbreaking story of Dee Dee and Gypsy Rose.

Daniel Gonzalez

Overall, the haunting and evocative soundtrack of Mommy Dead and Dearest enhances the documentary's impact, making it a truly unforgettable and emotionally resonant viewing experience.

Margaret Smith

The music in Mommy Dead and Dearest skillfully mirrors the revelations and twists in the story, building tension and suspense in key moments that leave a lasting impression on the viewer.

Charles Scott

The soundtrack effectively conveys the complexity of the mother-daughter relationship at the center of the film, capturing both the love and manipulation that defined Dee Dee and Gypsy's bond.

Elizabeth Martin

The music in Mommy Dead and Dearest enhances the suspense and tension of the story, keeping the audience engaged and on edge as the shocking events unfold.

William Johnson

The use of subtle piano melodies and haunting strings creates a sense of unease and suspense throughout the documentary, enhancing the viewer's emotional connection to the tragic events unfolding on screen.

George Wright

The music in the film sets the tone perfectly for the dark and twisted story of Dee Dee and Gypsy, adding depth and intensity to their complex relationship.

Matthew Taylor

Overall, the soundtrack of Mommy Dead and Dearest is a crucial component in creating a compelling and immersive viewing experience, effectively complementing the harrowing tale of abuse and deception presented in the documentary.

Nancy Green

The use of somber melodies and haunting soundscapes in the soundtrack helps to convey the sense of manipulation and control that Dee Dee exerts over Gypsy throughout the film.