My King is a French drama film that tells the story of Tony, a woman who falls in love with Georgio, a charming and charismatic man. Despite his flaws and destructive behavior, Tony is unable to resist Georgio's allure and becomes deeply entangled in their tumultuous relationship.
As their love story unfolds, Tony must confront the reality of Georgio's manipulative and controlling nature, leading her to question her own self-worth and identity. The film explores themes of love, obsession, and the complexities of human relationships, as Tony grapples with the highs and lows of being with her enigmatic and unpredictable partner.
Directed by Maïwenn, My King offers a raw and emotional portrayal of a toxic romance, showcasing the power dynamics and emotional turmoil that can arise when two people are deeply entwined in a destructive relationship. Through its intense performances and intimate storytelling, the film delves into the complexities of love and the ways in which it can both uplift and destroy those who are caught in its grip.