More Than Blue Soundtrack (

More Than Blue Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 6.10/10 from 1300 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Italiano:

More Than Blue

Title in Português:

More Than Blue


More Than Blue

Cream, a bright personality with a dark streak, somehow manages to make a connection with the secretive K. As high-school classmates they share their loneliness, get close quickly, and fill the emptiness in each other. Cream moves into K's place and they depend on each other like a family or lovers. Years go by, and K works for a record company and Cream becomes a lyricist, but they still live together, neither a couple nor friends. Diagnosed with leukemia, K is hesitant to reveal his illness because he does not want to hurt Cream by leaving her alone. Not knowing any of this, Cream starts dating another man and eventually accepts his marriage proposal.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
More Than Blue
A Kind of Sorrow (A-Lin version)
Chien-Chi Chen: Produced
Alex Chang Jien: Composer
Gavin Lin: Lyrics
Alin Huang: Performer
Train to Heartbreak
Chien-Chi Chen: Produced
Gavin Lin: Lyrics
Alin Huang: Performer
A Kind of Sorrow (Jasper Liu version)
Chien-Chi Chen: Produced
Alex Chang Jien: Composer
Gavin Lin: Lyrics
Jasper Liu: Performer
Kitty Bomb
Gavin Lin: Lyrics
Shao-Yong Huang: Produced & arranged
Emma Wu: Performer
Chien-Chi Chen: Arrangement
Annie Lo: Composed & produced

User reviews

William Smith

The soundtrack seamlessly blends different genres of music, reflecting the complexity of the characters' relationships and emotions.

Robert Jones

The music beautifully conveys the complex feelings of love, friendship, and loss that the characters experience throughout the film, creating a profound connection with the audience.

Anthony Taylor

The soundtrack of More Than Blue perfectly captures the emotional depth of the story.

Robert White

The soundtrack of More Than Blue is a masterpiece in its own right, elevating the film to new emotional heights and leaving a lasting impact on anyone who listens to it.

Michael Turner

The use of piano in the music creates a sense of melancholy that resonates with the themes of loneliness and longing in the film.

Anthony Martin

The soundtrack of More Than Blue felt repetitive and uninspired, failing to evoke any emotional connection with the characters' journey. The lack of variety in musical themes made the viewing experience monotonous and unengaging.

Mary Moore

The haunting vocals and haunting instrumentals in the soundtrack evoke a sense of longing and melancholy that resonates long after the movie has ended, staying with you and lingering in your thoughts.

Elizabeth Clark

The songs chosen for key moments in the movie enhance the storytelling and bring an extra layer of emotion to the scenes.

Stephanie Taylor

The instrumental pieces in the soundtrack help to build tension and create a sense of unease, adding to the overall emotional impact of the film.

Paul Miller

The soundtrack of More Than Blue perfectly captures the emotional depth of the story, enhancing every scene with its poignant melodies and evocative lyrics.

Mark Perez

Each song in the soundtrack adds layers of depth to the characters and their relationships, making the viewing experience even more immersive and engaging.

Joshua Carter

I found the song choices in More Than Blue to be mismatched with the emotional intensity of the storyline. The music often felt out of place, detracting from the poignant moments and failing to enhance the overall atmosphere of the film.

Steven Taylor

The score of More Than Blue is a standout feature of the film, elevating the storytelling and adding depth to the characters' experiences.

Stephanie Davis

Overall, the music in More Than Blue is a powerful and integral part of the film, enhancing the emotional journey of the characters and leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

Sarah Williams

The haunting vocals in some of the tracks evoke a sense of heartache and loss, which mirrors the characters' struggles with their own emotions.