"Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge" is an animated movie that follows the story of Hanzo Hasashi, also known as Scorpion, a former ninja who seeks revenge against those responsible for the destruction of his clan and the death of his family.
The film begins with the introduction of the Mortal Kombat tournament, where Earthrealm's greatest warriors must battle against Outworld's forces to prevent the realm from being conquered. As the tournament progresses, Scorpion discovers that the sorcerer Quan Chi was behind the massacre of his clan, leading him to seek vengeance against him.
Throughout the movie, Scorpion faces off against various opponents, including Sub-Zero, Sonya Blade, and Johnny Cage, as he fights his way through the tournament to confront Quan Chi. Along the way, he forms alliances with other fighters, such as Raiden and Liu Kang, who help him in his quest for revenge.
As the final battle approaches, Scorpion must confront his inner demons and decide whether his thirst for vengeance is worth sacrificing everything he holds dear. "Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge" is a thrilling and action-packed film that explores the dark and violent world of the Mortal Kombat universe.