Movie Madness is an anthology composed of three short segments from National Lampoon. The film satirizes everything from personal growth films, glamorous soap operas, to exciting police stories.
In the first segment, "Growing Yourself", a confused family man goes to great lengths to find a new meaning in life and raise his four children.
The second segment, "Success Wanters", follows the ambitious college graduate, Dominique Corsaire, as she works her way up the career ladder from being a stripper, a mistress, to eventually owning a margarine company.
Lastly, in "Municipalians", inexperienced LAPD policeman, Officer Brent Falcone, teams up with the cynical veteran, Stan Nagurski, on the hunt for the inept serial killer, Samuel Starkman.
Play | Title | Artist |
Movie Madness
Going To The Movies
Dr. John:
Growing Yourself
Don McLean: