Mr. Brain is a Japanese television drama series that follows the story of a brilliant neuroscientist named Ryusuke Tsukumo. Despite his genius intellect, Tsukumo suffers from a condition that causes him to age rapidly, giving him the appearance of a much older man.
Using his exceptional cognitive abilities, Tsukumo becomes a private detective and uses his unique perspective to solve complex cases that baffle the police. Alongside his loyal assistant, Michi, Tsukumo navigates the world of crime and deception, uncovering the truth behind each mystery.
As Tsukumo delves deeper into the criminal underworld, he must also confront his own mortality and the limitations of his aging body. Despite these challenges, Tsukumo's sharp mind and unwavering determination make him a formidable force in the world of crime-solving.
Play | Title | Artist |
Mr. Brain
Van Halen: