"Mr. Lee" follows a group of young struggling filmmakers. Frustrated with the rejection their films have faced, and convinced that if they could just get the right person to watch it success would follow quickly, the group sets off on a well-intentioned adventure that quickly escalates out of control. Comedy, and ultimately tragedy, ensue. Much is gained, but much is lost as well, leaving you ultimately to wonder whether or not it was worth it at all.
Download and play the Soundtrack list
Mr. Lee
Da' Butt - From The "School Daze" Soundtrack
Perfect Match - From The "School Daze" Soundtrack
Be Alone Tonight - From The "School Daze" Soundtrack
Straight And Nappy - From The "School Daze" Soundtrack
One Little Acorn - Piano/Trumpet Duo
I'm Building Me A Home - From The "School Daze" Soundtrack
I Can Only Be Me - From The "School Daze" Soundtrack
One Little Acorn - Piano Solo
Be One - From The "School Daze" Soundtrack
Wake Up Suite - From The "School Daze" Soundtrack
We've Already Said Goodbye (Before We Said Hello) - From The "School Daze" Soundtrack