Mrs Biggs is a British television drama series based on the true story of the life of Charmian Brent, the wife of Ronnie Biggs. The series follows their relationship from their meeting in Australia to their involvement in the Great Train Robbery of 1963.
Charmian Brent is portrayed as a young woman who falls in love with Ronnie Biggs, a charming and charismatic criminal. As their relationship develops, Charmian becomes increasingly involved in Ronnie's criminal activities, culminating in the infamous train robbery.
The series explores the impact of Ronnie's criminal lifestyle on Charmian and their family, as well as the consequences of their actions. It delves into the complexities of their relationship and the choices they make, ultimately leading to their downfall.
Mrs Biggs is a compelling drama that offers a glimpse into the lives of two people caught up in a world of crime and passion, and the price they pay for their choices.