"My Big Night" is a Spanish comedy film directed by Álex de la Iglesia. The story takes place during the filming of a New Year's Eve television special, where chaos ensues behind the scenes. The main character, José, is a struggling actor who gets caught up in a series of mishaps and misunderstandings as he tries to navigate the chaotic production. As tensions rise and egos clash, José finds himself in the middle of a comedic whirlwind that threatens to derail the entire show. With a star-studded cast and a fast-paced plot, "My Big Night" is a hilarious and satirical look at the madness of show business."
Play | Title | Artist |
My Big Night
Distance with your Lies
The Rich Man's Frug
Cy Coleman:
Mi gran noche
Jaime Ordóñez:
Maravilloso corazón