My House is a thrilling novel that follows the story of a young woman named Sarah who inherits a mysterious old house from her estranged grandmother. As Sarah explores the house, she uncovers dark secrets and hidden passageways that lead her on a journey of self-discovery.
As Sarah delves deeper into the history of the house, she begins to unravel a family curse that has plagued her ancestors for generations. With the help of a handsome neighbor, Sarah must confront the ghosts of the past and break the curse before it's too late.
My House is a gripping tale of mystery, romance, and redemption that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Play | Title | Artist |
My House
They Reminisce Over You
The Choice Is Yours (Revisited)
Chief Rocka
Live On Stage
Rock the Party
React (feat. Redman)
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