"Nathan for You" is a comedy television series that follows Nathan Fielder, a business consultant who offers unconventional and often absurd advice to struggling small businesses. In each episode, Nathan comes up with outlandish ideas to help these businesses attract more customers and increase their profits.
Throughout the show, Nathan's deadpan humor and awkward interactions with the business owners add to the comedic tone of the series. He often goes to great lengths to execute his plans, leading to hilarious and sometimes cringe-worthy situations.
Despite the absurdity of his methods, Nathan's unconventional approach often yields surprising results and helps the businesses he works with in unexpected ways. The show has been praised for its unique premise and Nathan Fielder's comedic talent.
Play | Title | Artist |
Nathan for You
Welcome To The 21st Century
A Little Reminder That Life Is Beautiful
Meu Jeito
Memento Mori