Neuilly sa mère! is a French comedy film that tells the story of a 14-year-old boy named Sami Benboudaoud who lives in the rough housing projects of Chalon-sur-Saône. After his mother is arrested, Sami is sent to live with his aunt and uncle in the upscale neighborhood of Neuilly-sur-Seine.
Despite feeling out of place in this wealthy environment, Sami quickly adapts and befriends a group of privileged teenagers. He also catches the eye of a beautiful girl named Marie, who happens to be the daughter of the mayor of Neuilly. Sami's new life is turned upside down when his mother is released from prison and comes to live with him in Neuilly.
As Sami navigates the challenges of living in two very different worlds, he learns valuable lessons about friendship, family, and identity. Neuilly sa mère! is a heartwarming and humorous film that explores themes of social class, cultural differences, and the importance of staying true to oneself.
Play | Title | Artist |
Neuilly Yo Mama!
Gymnopédie No 1
Anne Queffélec:
50 Cent:
Maurice Ravel:
Quelque'un m'a dit
Neuilly sa mère
Magic System:
Quelqu'un m'a Dit