"No Date, No Signature" is a gripping Iranian drama that follows the story of Dr. Kaveh Nariman, a forensic pathologist who is involved in a car accident with a motorcyclist and his family. Despite his efforts to save the injured man, the motorcyclist dies, leading to a series of events that challenge Dr. Nariman's ethics and morality.
As Dr. Nariman tries to come to terms with the accident, he discovers that the man who died had recently been in contact with a patient who died under mysterious circumstances. This revelation raises questions about the cause of death and puts Dr. Nariman's professional reputation at risk.
Throughout the film, themes of guilt, responsibility, and redemption are explored as Dr. Nariman grapples with the consequences of his actions. The tension between truth and loyalty, as well as the complexities of human relationships, are also central to the story.
Directed by Vahid Jalilvand, "No Date, No Signature" is a thought-provoking and emotionally charged film that delves into the complexities of human nature and the consequences of our choices.