No News from God Soundtrack (

No News from God Soundtrack (2001) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Sin noticias de Dios

Title in Italiano:

Nessuna notizia da Dio

Title in Português:

Sem Notícias de Deus


A boxer named Manny, battling a potentially life-threatening brain injury, finds his soul to be the object of a metaphysical fight. Two different supernatural agents are sent to win over his soul to their side: one is an angel from a curious version of Heaven, that looks just like a beatific Paris, and in it everyone speaks French; and the other agent is a waitress from Hell, sent to seduce him to spend his eternity in a red-tinted prison where everyone speaks English.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
No News from God
George Gershwin: Writer
Rags to Riches
Richard Adler: Writer
Tony Bennett: Performer
I Want to Be Evil
Raymond Taylor: Writer
Victoria Abril: Performer
Kung Fu Fighting
Carl Douglas: Writer
Carl Douglas: Performer
Kung Fu Fighting 2001
Carl Douglas: Writer
Carlos Jean: Produced
Carlos Jean: Performer
Political World
Bob Dylan: Writer
Bob Dylan: Performer