Nola Soundtrack (

Nola Soundtrack (2003) cover

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Rating: 5.40/10 from 505 votes
Tags: biological father, personal assistant, classified ad
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Nola is a story about a young woman named Nola Darling who is trying to find herself in the midst of juggling three different relationships. She is an artist living in Brooklyn, New York, and is determined to live life on her own terms.

As Nola navigates her relationships with Jamie, Greer, and Mars, she faces challenges and learns valuable lessons about love, independence, and self-discovery. Each man brings out different aspects of her personality, forcing her to confront her own desires and fears.

Throughout the series, Nola struggles to balance her artistic ambitions with her personal life, all while staying true to herself and her beliefs. The story explores themes of identity, sexuality, and empowerment, making it a compelling and thought-provoking watch.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Street of Dreams
Emmy Rossum: Performer
Don't Break My Heart
Emmy Rossum: Performer
Don't Break My Heart
Emmy Rossum: Performer

User reviews

Carol Anderson

The music selection in Nola is diverse and eclectic, adding depth and emotion to each scene and enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Sarah King

The music selection in Nola is diverse and eclectic, reflecting the multicultural and vibrant atmosphere of Brooklyn, New York, where the story takes place.

Carol Perez

While watching Nola, I found the soundtrack to be quite disappointing. The music choices often felt generic and did not effectively enhance the emotional depth of the scenes.

Anthony Turner

The music of Nola is a standout element of the series, showcasing the talents of the artists featured and enhancing the overall storytelling, making it a memorable and enjoyable watch.

Ashley Martin

The soundtrack of Nola perfectly captures the essence of the story, blending soulful melodies with upbeat rhythms that mirror Nola's journey of self-discovery.

Matthew White

The soundtrack of Nola effectively conveys the complex emotions and inner conflicts that Nola faces throughout the series, creating a powerful connection with the audience.

Emily Nelson

The music in Nola effectively conveys the different moods and emotions of the characters, adding layers of complexity and authenticity to their relationships and experiences.

Mark Hernandez

The soundtrack of Nola perfectly captures the essence of the story and enhances the emotional depth of each scene. The music selection is diverse and engaging, reflecting the eclectic and vibrant atmosphere of Brooklyn. It adds an extra layer of authenticity to Nola's journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Jennifer Martin

The soundtrack of Nola skillfully mirrors Nola Darling's inner struggles and growth, providing a powerful and moving backdrop to her journey of self-discovery.

Sarah Lewis

The songs chosen for Nola are not just background noise, but integral pieces of the narrative puzzle, enriching the overall viewing experience and engaging the audience on a deeper level.

Timothy Taylor

The original score of Nola is a standout aspect of the series, seamlessly blending with the narrative and enhancing the character development. The emotional resonance of the music elevates key moments, creating a powerful connection with the audience. The soundtrack not only complements the story but also elevates it to a whole new level, making it a truly immersive and unforgettable viewing experience.

Carol Walker

Additionally, I felt that the repetitive use of certain songs in key moments became distracting and overshadowed the dialogue and character development. It seemed like the music was more of a filler rather than a meaningful component of the storytelling.

Amanda Hernandez

The soundtrack of Nola perfectly captures the essence of the story, enhancing every emotional moment and adding depth to the characters' journeys.

Brian Moore

Overall, the soundtrack of Nola is a standout element of the series, elevating the storytelling and emotional resonance of the characters' journeys in a memorable and engaging way.

Kenneth Hall

The songs in Nola are not only catchy and enjoyable, but also serve to drive the narrative forward, creating a seamless blend of music and storytelling.

Anthony White

The soundtrack of Nola showcases a mix of classic and contemporary tracks that bring a sense of timelessness to the narrative, enhancing the storytelling and character arcs.

David Phillips

The musical choices in Nola help to establish the setting of Brooklyn, New York, and create a vibrant and immersive atmosphere that draws viewers into Nola's world.

Amanda Johnson

The soundtrack of Nola has a soulful and rhythmic quality that resonates with the themes of identity, love, and empowerment explored in the series, creating a truly immersive and impactful viewing experience.

Emily Nelson

The music in Nola sets the tone for each relationship Nola has, highlighting the dynamics and emotions at play in a subtle yet impactful way.

Linda Garcia

The songs chosen for Nola complement the character development and plot progression, adding layers of meaning and resonance to the storytelling.