NTR: Netsuzou Trap is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kodama Naoko. The story follows the lives of two high school girls, Yuma and Hotaru, who have been best friends since childhood. However, their friendship takes a complicated turn when Hotaru starts to make advances towards Yuma, despite the fact that Yuma is in a relationship with a boy named Takeda.
As the series progresses, Yuma finds herself torn between her loyalty to Takeda and her growing feelings for Hotaru. The two girls engage in a secret and forbidden relationship, exploring their desires and emotions in ways they never imagined. However, their actions have consequences that threaten to tear apart not only their friendship but also their relationships with others.
NTR: Netsuzou Trap delves into themes of love, friendship, betrayal, and self-discovery as Yuma and Hotaru navigate the complexities of their feelings and relationships. The series challenges societal norms and expectations, pushing the boundaries of what is considered acceptable in relationships.