October Faction is a thrilling supernatural drama series that follows the lives of the Allen family, who are not your typical suburban family. Fred and Deloris Allen are retired monster hunters who have decided to settle down and raise their teenage twins, Geoff and Viv, in the quiet town of Barrington-on-Hudson. However, their peaceful life is soon disrupted when dark secrets from their past come back to haunt them.
As the Allen family tries to navigate the challenges of everyday life, they must also deal with the return of old enemies and the emergence of new threats. With the help of their loyal friend and former assistant, they must confront their demons and protect their family from the supernatural forces that seek to destroy them.
October Faction is a gripping tale of family, loyalty, and the battle between good and evil. With its mix of horror, mystery, and drama, this series will keep viewers on the edge of their seats as they follow the Allen family's journey to uncover the truth about their past and secure their future.