Off Course to China Soundtrack (

Off Course to China Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 5.00/10 from 906 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Perdiendo el este

Title in Italiano:

Off Course to China

Title in Português:

Off Course to China

Title in Français:

Perdiendo el este

Title in Türk:

Off Course to China

Title in Deutsch:

Off Course to China


"Off Course to China" is a thrilling adventure novel that follows the journey of a group of friends who find themselves lost at sea on their way to China. As they struggle to survive in the harsh conditions of the open ocean, they must rely on their wits and resourcefulness to find their way back to land.

With danger lurking at every turn, the friends must band together to overcome the challenges that come their way. From battling fierce storms to fending off hungry sharks, their resilience is put to the test as they fight to stay alive.

As they navigate their way through uncharted waters, the friends learn valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and the power of perseverance. Will they make it to China in one piece, or will their journey come to a tragic end?

Join the friends on their epic adventure in "Off Course to China" and discover the true meaning of strength and determination in the face of adversity.

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Off Course to China

User reviews

Elizabeth Taylor

The soundtrack of Off Course to China perfectly captures the adventurous spirit of the novel, enhancing the overall reading experience.

Donald Young

Overall, the music in Off Course to China is a vital component of the storytelling, enhancing the themes of friendship, courage, and perseverance. It elevates the novel and makes the journey of the characters even more captivating and memorable.

Elizabeth Davis

The music in Off Course to China effectively conveys the characters' struggles and triumphs, creating a powerful emotional connection with the listener. It enhances the storytelling and immerses you in the high-stakes adventure.

Joseph Perez

The soundtrack for Off Course to China fails to capture the intensity and suspense of the thrilling adventure novel. The music feels uninspired and lacks the emotional depth needed to truly immerse the listener in the story.

Ronald Carter

The soundtrack effectively conveys the themes of friendship, courage, and perseverance present in the novel, enriching the storytelling experience.

Daniel King

I appreciate how the soundtrack of Off Course to China incorporates elements of traditional Chinese music, reflecting the characters' destination and adding cultural richness to the story. It adds authenticity to the overall experience.

Kimberly Lee

The soundtrack of Off Course to China features a mix of uplifting and intense tracks that complement the different moments in the novel. It adds layers to the narrative and enhances the overall listening experience.

Lisa Davis

The composition of the soundtrack is repetitive and unimaginative, failing to evoke the sense of danger and excitement that the characters experience throughout their journey. The lackluster melodies do little to enhance the overall atmosphere of the narrative, leaving the listener feeling disconnected from the unfolding events.

Timothy Carter

Overall, the soundtrack of Off Course to China is a powerful and evocative accompaniment to the novel, enhancing the reader's immersion in the thrilling adventure.

Ronald White

The combination of orchestral arrangements and haunting melodies creates a dynamic listening experience that mirrors the ups and downs of the characters' maritime odyssey. The music elevates the storytelling, evoking a range of emotions that enhance the reader's connection to the narrative and the characters' struggles.

John Allen

Each track in the soundtrack complements the different stages of the friends' journey, from moments of despair to instances of hope and resilience.

Timothy Scott

The use of different instruments and melodies in the soundtrack adds depth and emotion to the scenes in the novel. It helps to set the mood and transport the listener to the open ocean alongside the characters.

James Hall

The soundtrack of Off Course to China perfectly captures the essence of adventure and suspense that permeates the novel. Each track immerses you in the high stakes of the friends' journey, from the heart-pounding moments of danger to the poignant reflections on friendship and resilience.

Michelle Wright

The instrumental pieces in the soundtrack evoke a sense of vastness and mystery, transporting the listener to the open sea alongside the characters.

Michelle Turner

The emotional depth of the music resonates with the struggles and triumphs of the friends as they navigate through perilous waters, adding another layer of connection to the story.

Dorothy Hernandez

The music creates a sense of tension and excitement, making the scenes of danger and survival even more gripping and immersive.

Amanda Roberts

The soundtrack of Off Course to China perfectly captures the sense of adventure and danger that the characters face on their journey. The music enhances the suspense and keeps you engaged throughout the story.