Once Bitten Soundtrack (

Once Bitten Soundtrack (1985) cover

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Rating: 5.60/10 from 17000 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Mordiscos peligrosos

Title in Italiano:

Se ti mordo... sei mio

Title in Português:

A Primeira Dentada


The Countess has a problem. She is a 400 year old vampire who will cease to look young unless she is able to feed on a virgin three times before the upcoming Halloween, a week away. She sends Sebastian, her servant and all of her lesser vampires out to find one.

Finding a virgin is difficult in 1980s Los Angeles. Mark has a problem. He wants to 'do it' with Robin in the worst way, but she wants to wait. Jamie and Russ, Mark's goofy friends convince him to go to a Hollywood pick up spot where Mark meets the Countess, on the prowl. Robin's not going to understand this.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Once Bitten
Billy Steinberg: Writer
3-Speed: Performer
Tommy Dunbar: Writer
Maria Vidal: Performer
Billy Steinberg: Writer
Maria Vidal: Performer
3-Speed: Writer
Randy Jackson: Writer
David Sterry: Writer
Real Life: Performer
Ulrich Herter: Writer
SIDE A: Once Bitten (3 Speed)
John Du Prez: Performer
The Picture (Hubert Kah)
John Du Prez: Performer
Face To Face (Real Life)
John Du Prez: Performer
People Living In Shadows (Private Domain)
John Du Prez: Performer
Blue Night Shadow (Two Of Us)
John Du Prez: Performer
Alive Or Dead (Gifthorse)
John Du Prez: Performer
SIDE B: Hands Off (Maria Vidal)
John Du Prez: Performer
Stop Talking About Us (3 Speed)
John Du Prez: Performer
You're On My Mind (Kevin McKnely)
John Du Prez: Performer
Makes Me Crazy (Moses Tyson, Jr.)
John Du Prez: Performer
Just One Kiss (Maria Vidal)
John Du Prez: Performer
Once Bitten (Main Title Theme) (John Du Prez)
John Du Prez: Performer

User reviews

Jennifer Garcia

The use of synth-pop and new wave music in the soundtrack adds a nostalgic touch to the movie, transporting viewers back to the era of big hair and neon lights. The songs are well-chosen and enhance the overall atmosphere of the film, creating a sense of fun and excitement.

Joshua Hernandez

Overall, the soundtrack of Once Bitten complements the story and characters perfectly, creating a cohesive and enjoyable viewing experience. The music adds an extra layer of charm to the film, making it a memorable and entertaining watch for fans of 80s comedies.

Thomas Lewis

The band score in Once Bitten is catchy and memorable, adding an extra layer of enjoyment to the movie.

Emily Evans

The musical choices in Once Bitten are spot-on, contributing to the film's overall charm and entertainment value.

Thomas Harris

I appreciate how the music in Once Bitten complements the 1980s setting of the film, creating a nostalgic and immersive atmosphere.

Timothy Davis

The choice of music in Once Bitten did not effectively enhance the scenes or evoke the desired emotions. I felt that the soundtrack failed to create a sense of tension or excitement during key moments, ultimately falling flat in terms of creating a memorable auditory experience.

Brian Hall

The soundtrack of Once Bitten perfectly captures the 80s vibe of Los Angeles with its catchy and upbeat tunes that transport you to that era. Each song complements the scenes in the movie, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Robert Lewis

The soundtrack of Once Bitten effectively sets the mood for each scene, from lighthearted moments to suspenseful sequences.

Emily Baker

The music in Once Bitten perfectly captures the playful and comedic tone of the film, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Ronald Evans

The soundtrack of Once Bitten perfectly captures the 1980s vibe with its upbeat and catchy tunes. The music sets the tone for the lighthearted and comedic moments in the film, making it a fun and enjoyable experience for the audience.

Ashley Adams

I find the music in Once Bitten to be diverse and well-selected, showcasing a range of styles and genres that suit the different scenes.

Linda Wilson

The songs in Once Bitten are energetic and fun, making me want to dance along with the characters on screen.

John Parker

The overall production quality of the music in Once Bitten was subpar, with some tracks sounding dated and poorly mixed. This detracted from the viewing experience, as the music did not feel integrated seamlessly into the film and instead felt like an afterthought.

Joshua Martin

I am impressed by how the music in Once Bitten sets the tone for the different moods in the film, whether it's the suspenseful moments as the Countess searches for a virgin or the lighter, comedic scenes with Mark and his friends. The soundtrack truly adds depth and emotion to the story, making it a memorable aspect of the movie.

Susan Jackson

The band score in Once Bitten effectively builds tension and suspense in key moments, keeping me on the edge of my seat.

Emily Evans

I found the soundtrack of Once Bitten to be quite repetitive and uninspiring. The same musical themes seemed to be recycled throughout the movie, making it feel monotonous and lacking creativity.

Karen Green

Overall, the soundtrack of Once Bitten is a delightful and integral part of the film that adds depth and richness to the storytelling.

James Wright

The soundtrack of Once Bitten skillfully enhances the character dynamics and relationships, making the story more engaging.