Once in Trubchevsk Soundtrack (

Once in Trubchevsk Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 6.10/10 from 192 votes
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Title in Español:

Once in Trubchevsk

Title in Italiano:

Once in Trubchevsk

Title in Português:

Once in Trubchevsk


Once in Trubchevsk is a short story by Ivan Bunin that tells the tale of a young man who returns to his hometown after many years of living in the city. The protagonist, Vasily, is struck by the changes that have taken place in Trubchevsk since he left. The once familiar streets and buildings are now foreign to him, and he struggles to find his place in this new world.

As Vasily wanders through the town, he is haunted by memories of his past and the people he used to know. He is particularly drawn to the house of his childhood sweetheart, Zinaida, who is now married and living a different life. Vasily is torn between his desire to reconnect with his past and his realization that he can never truly go back.

Once in Trubchevsk is a poignant exploration of nostalgia, memory, and the passage of time. It serves as a reminder that we can never truly return to the past, no matter how much we may long for it.

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Once in Trubchevsk

User reviews

Linda Hall

The music in Once in Trubchevsk effectively conveys the passage of time and the bittersweet nature of nostalgia. The melodies are poignant and evocative, capturing the essence of Vasily's journey through his memories and emotions.

Sarah Martin

The music effectively underscores Vasily's internal conflict between his past and present, highlighting the complexity of his emotional journey.

James Jackson

The soundtrack of Once in Trubchevsk is a standout element of the film, showcasing the talent and creativity of the composers. The music perfectly complements the visuals and dialogue, creating a cohesive and immersive cinematic experience for the audience.

Donald Walker

Overall, the soundtrack of Once in Trubchevsk is a powerful and emotive accompaniment to the story, adding depth and richness to the film's narrative. The music enhances the viewing experience and leaves a lasting impression on the audience.

Nancy Perez

The soundtrack immerses the audience in the atmosphere of Trubchevsk, painting a vivid sonic picture of the town and its changing landscape.

Michael Carter

The use of traditional Russian instruments in the soundtrack adds an authentic and cultural touch to the storytelling.

Kenneth Young

The soundtrack of Once in Trubchevsk perfectly captures the nostalgic and melancholic mood of the story.

Jennifer Williams

The use of repetitive melodies in the soundtrack became monotonous and distracting, taking away from the immersive experience of the story. Instead of enhancing the mood and atmosphere of the film, the music felt like a superficial addition that did not resonate with the themes of the narrative.

Mary Baker

I was truly moved by how the soundtrack of Once in Trubchevsk was able to convey the bittersweet journey of Vasily as he grapples with the irreversibility of change. The music not only sets the tone for the narrative but also serves as a character in its own right, guiding the audience through a poignant exploration of loss and acceptance.

Edward Carter

The emotional resonance of the music lingers long after the story ends, leaving a lasting impact on the listener and enhancing the overall storytelling experience.

Donna Campbell

The instrumental choices in the soundtrack felt disconnected from the setting and time period of the story. The modern sound and production techniques clashed with the historical context of the narrative, creating a jarring effect that detracted from the overall authenticity of the film adaptation.

Deborah Adams

The emotional resonance of the music in Once in Trubchevsk lingers long after the film has ended, leaving a lasting impression on the viewer. The soundtrack elevates the storytelling and adds depth to the characters and themes explored in the story.

Timothy Baker

The music enhances the emotional depth of Vasily's journey through his hometown, conveying his sense of displacement and longing for the past.

Nancy Green

The soundtrack of Once in Trubchevsk beautifully captures the essence of nostalgia and longing that permeates the story. Each track evokes a sense of melancholy and wistfulness, transporting the listener to Vasily's world as he navigates the changes in his hometown.

Paul Garcia

The soundtrack for Once in Trubchevsk failed to capture the emotional depth and complexity of the story. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the ability to evoke the nostalgia and longing that Vasily experiences as he revisits his hometown.

Emily Parker

The soundtrack of Once in Trubchevsk is a masterful example of how music can elevate a narrative and evoke powerful emotions in the audience.

John Wright

The music in Once in Trubchevsk effectively enhances the emotional depth of the story, allowing the audience to connect with Vasily's journey of self-discovery and nostalgia. The soundtrack serves as a powerful storytelling tool, enhancing the narrative and evoking a strong emotional response.

Karen King

The music in Once in Trubchevsk effectively enhances the emotional depth of the story, creating a powerful connection between the audience and the protagonist's inner turmoil. The haunting melodies and subtle instrumentation perfectly complement the themes of memory and the passage of time.

Michael Turner

The soundtrack of Once in Trubchevsk perfectly captures the melancholic and nostalgic tone of the story. The music evokes a sense of longing and reflection, mirroring Vasily's emotions as he revisits his hometown after many years.

Daniel Jones

The soundtrack of Once in Trubchevsk is a masterful blend of traditional Russian music and contemporary compositions, creating a unique and captivating listening experience. The music enhances the mood and atmosphere of the film, contributing to its overall impact on the audience.

Susan Roberts

The use of traditional Russian instruments in the soundtrack adds an authentic and cultural touch to the music, transporting the listener to the setting of the story. The melodies are haunting and beautiful, enhancing the overall atmosphere of the film.

Anthony Scott

The melodies are haunting and evocative, resonating with the themes of nostalgia, memory, and the passage of time in the short story.

Timothy Mitchell

The soundtrack's subtle nuances and delicate compositions create a nuanced and layered listening experience that complements the narrative beautifully.