Operation Proposal Soundtrack (

Operation Proposal Soundtrack (2007) cover

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Rating: 8.20/10 from 1800 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Puropôzu dai sakusen

Title in Italiano:

Operation Proposal

Title in Português:

Operation Proposal


Operation Proposal is a South Korean television series that tells the story of Kang Baek-ho and Ham Yi-seul, who have been best friends since childhood. Baek-ho has been in love with Yi-seul for years, but she only sees him as a friend. When Yi-seul announces her engagement to another man, Baek-ho is devastated.

Desperate to change the course of their lives, Baek-ho is given the opportunity to travel back in time to his high school days. With the help of his friends, Baek-ho embarks on a mission to win Yi-seul's heart before it's too late. However, he soon realizes that changing the past comes with consequences he never anticipated.

As Baek-ho relives his high school days, he must confront his own insecurities and fears in order to make the right choices and secure a future with the woman he loves. Will Baek-ho succeed in his Operation Proposal, or will he be doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over again?

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Operation Proposal
If you love me (Acoustic ver.)
Now I do not love

User reviews

Joseph White

The soundtrack of Operation Proposal failed to capture the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' journey. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the power to enhance key moments in the storyline.

Kenneth Hill

The soundtrack of Operation Proposal perfectly captures the emotional journey of the characters, with each track evoking a sense of longing and determination.

Nancy Adams

The music in Operation Proposal is not just background noise, but a character in itself. It sets the tone for each moment, from heartwarming scenes of friendship to heartbreaking moments of loss and regret. The soundtrack adds another layer of depth to the storytelling, making the audience feel even more connected to the characters and their struggles.

Karen Phillips

The music in Operation Proposal skillfully blends traditional Korean instruments with modern sounds, creating a unique and captivating listening experience. The fusion of different musical elements adds depth and richness to the overall atmosphere of the series, making it a joy to listen to throughout each episode.

Thomas Gonzalez

The use of instrumental pieces in the soundtrack enhances the nostalgic feel of the series, transporting the audience back to the characters' high school days and their bittersweet memories.

Donna Scott

The soundtrack of Operation Proposal perfectly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the storyline. Each piece of music enhances the scenes and evokes a powerful connection to the characters' feelings and struggles.

Lisa Green

The incorporation of contemporary pop songs in the soundtrack adds a modern touch to the series, creating a dynamic and engaging listening experience for viewers.

Susan Davis

The soundtrack of Operation Proposal truly captures the emotional depth and complexity of the story. Each piece of music perfectly complements the scenes and enhances the overall viewing experience. The melodies are beautifully crafted and evoke a sense of nostalgia and longing, mirroring Baek-ho's journey to win Yi-seul's heart.

Jennifer Young

Additionally, the repetitive use of certain musical motifs became distracting and monotonous, failing to provide a dynamic and engaging listening experience. The soundtrack did not succeed in creating a memorable and immersive atmosphere that could elevate the overall viewing experience of the series.