Orange is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ichigo Takano. The story follows Naho Takamiya, a high school student who receives a letter from her future self warning her about the new transfer student, Kakeru Naruse. The letter reveals that Kakeru will not be with them in the future due to his death, and Naho must do everything she can to prevent this tragedy.
The series explores themes of friendship, love, and regret as Naho and her friends try to change the future. As Naho learns more about Kakeru's struggles and inner demons, she becomes determined to save him and create a better future for everyone.
Orange has received critical acclaim for its emotional storytelling and well-developed characters. It has been adapted into an anime series, a live-action film, and a novel. The series has touched the hearts of readers and viewers around the world with its poignant message about the power of friendship and the importance of seizing the moment.