"Out of Control" follows actress and martial-arts guru Lucy Lin (Cecilia Cheung) as her visit to a film festival in Berlin is marred by the unwanted appearance of her ex-fiance, Interpol agent Tom Young (T.O.P.). Young is hot on the trail of renowned cyber-criminal Bennet Kayser (Michael Trevino), who's planning a deadly attack on the day of Lin's premiere. As Kayser unleashes a virus that gives him complete control over the fleet of stretch-limousines heading to the red carpet, Lucy finds herself at the villain's mercy, her hopes of survival pinned on the man who left her at the altar years ago.
Download and play the Soundtrack list
Out of Control
We Control
Coturo (Danza Kuduro) - Romanian Radio Mix
No Limit REMIX (feat. A$AP Rocky, French Montana, Juicy J & Belly)