Overheard 2 is a Hong Kong crime thriller film directed by Alan Mak and Felix Chong. The movie is a sequel to the 2009 film Overheard and follows a group of police officers who use wiretaps to investigate a stock market manipulation scheme.
The film stars Louis Koo, Lau Ching-wan, and Daniel Wu as the main characters. The story unfolds as the police officers uncover a web of deceit and betrayal as they try to bring the criminals to justice.
Overheard 2 is filled with suspense, twists, and intense action sequences that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The film received positive reviews for its gripping storyline and strong performances from the cast.
If you're a fan of crime thrillers, Overheard 2 is a must-watch film that will leave you guessing until the very end.