Pahat pojat Soundtrack (

Pahat pojat Soundtrack (2003) cover

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Rating: 6.20/10 from 4494 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Bad Boys

Title in Italiano:

Bad Boys

Title in Português:

Bad Boys

Title in Français:

Pahat pojat

Title in Türk:

Pahat pojat

Title in Deutsch:

Pahat pojat


Four well-mannered but poorly grown brothers drift into a life of crime when their schizophrenic father is sent to the mental hospital.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Pahat pojat
In The Shadows
The Rasmus: Performer
The Rasmus: Writer
Aki Hakala: Writer
Haaveet Kaatuu
Jore Marjaranta: Performer
Niin Paljon Me Teihin Luotettiin (2002 Remix)
Olli Lindholm: Writer
: Performer
Toni Wirtanen: Writer
Apulanta: Performer
Raivo Härkä
Olavi Uusivirta: Performer
Olavi Uusivirta: Writer
Mikko Kuustonen: Performer
Mikko Kuustonen: Writer
Hetken Tie On Kevyt
Otto Grundström: Writer
Tehosekoitin: Performer
Tavallista Elämää
Jore Marjaranta: Performer
Jore Marjaranta: Writer
Se on Rock
Heikki Salo: Writer
Tommi Läntinen: Performer
Nahkurin Orret
Pate Mustajärvi: Performer
Pate Mustajärvi: Writer
Sano Että Jäät
Pauli Hanhiniemi: Writer
: Performer
Somewhere Around Nothing
Apocalyptica: Performer
Eicca Toppinen: Performer