Palestine Is Still the Issue Soundtrack (

Palestine Is Still the Issue Soundtrack (2003) cover

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Rating: 8.20/10 from 457 votes
Tags: palestinian conflict
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Palestine Is Still the Issue

Title in Português:

Palestine Is Still the Issue


Palestine Is Still the Issue

In this documentary, journalist John Pilger explores the ongoing conflict in Palestine, shedding light on the history and current situation of the region. Pilger interviews Palestinians who have been affected by the Israeli occupation, highlighting their struggles and the injustices they face on a daily basis.

Through interviews with Israeli officials and experts, Pilger also examines the political and economic factors that contribute to the conflict, revealing the complex web of interests at play in the region.

The documentary challenges the mainstream narrative surrounding the Israel-Palestine conflict, offering a critical perspective on the role of Western powers in perpetuating the violence and oppression in the region.

Pilger argues that the issue of Palestine is still relevant today, and calls for a renewed focus on justice and human rights in order to achieve a lasting peace in the region.

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Palestine Is Still the Issue

User reviews

Melissa Allen

The music in the documentary effectively enhances the viewer's understanding of the complex issues at play in the Israel-Palestine conflict. The carefully curated selection of songs and instrumental pieces adds an additional layer of depth and complexity to the storytelling, creating a truly immersive and thought-provoking experience for the audience.

John Parker

The soundtrack of Palestine Is Still the Issue beautifully captures the emotional depth and intensity of the documentary. The haunting melodies and poignant lyrics perfectly complement the powerful stories of struggle and resilience shared by the Palestinian interviewees.

Joseph White

The soundtrack of Palestine Is Still the Issue effectively captures the emotional depth and complexity of the documentary, enhancing the viewer's understanding of the struggles faced by Palestinians under Israeli occupation.

Ashley Martin

The use of traditional Middle Eastern instruments in the soundtrack adds an authentic and culturally rich layer to the storytelling, helping to connect the audience to the people and places depicted in the film.

Amanda Jones

Overall, the music in the documentary effectively amplifies the voices of the Palestinians and reinforces the message of the film, making it a compelling and impactful viewing experience.

Linda Young

The soundtrack of Palestine Is Still the Issue effectively enhances the emotional impact of the documentary, providing a poignant and evocative backdrop to the stories being shared.

James Campbell

The music selection in the documentary complements the interviews and footage, creating a powerful and immersive viewing experience that stays with the audience long after the film ends.

Laura Garcia

The music selection in the documentary is diverse and culturally rich, incorporating traditional Middle Eastern melodies and contemporary compositions that help immerse the audience in the complex history and struggles of the Palestinian people.

Paul Allen

The soundtrack of Palestine Is Still the Issue skillfully conveys the tension and urgency of the conflict, underscoring the gravity of the issues discussed in the documentary.