"Papi Chulo" is a comedy-drama film that follows the story of a lonely and heartbroken weatherman named Sean, who forms an unlikely friendship with a migrant worker named Ernesto. Sean, played by Matt Bomer, is struggling to cope with a recent breakup and finds solace in the company of Ernesto, played by Alejandro Patiño. Despite their language barrier, the two men bond over their shared experiences of loneliness and loss. As their friendship deepens, Sean begins to find healing and acceptance through his connection with Ernesto, ultimately learning valuable lessons about love, friendship, and the importance of human connection. The film explores themes of cultural differences, friendship, and the universal need for companionship in a heartwarming and humorous way.
Play | Title | Artist |
Papi Chulo
They Don't Know
Una Pagina Mas
No Lo Ves
It Never Rains in Southern California
Borderline - Remix
My Name On It
Fallaste Corazon
Ain't Nobody Straight In L.A.